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الدكتور أحمد عبد الفتاح الزكي


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PhD. Abstract

Educational Strategy for facing the interior challenges of National Security

A Future Study


Dr Ahmed El-Zeki



The issue of security has been imposed on man since his existence on earth. Up till now, the problem of security has become one of the serious issues of the modern time especially with consequent variables, which threaten the modern man’s security. In addition, the concept of security has not been restricted to the military matters but it includes economic, social, cultural and political sides. Countries of the world have begun to realize the importance of education in keeping national security and facing its challenges.

Statement of the problem

With the social, economic, cultural and political variables in Egypt and the world as a whole, the role of education is magnified as a reliable factor in achieving stability and security for consolidating social and economic development and coping up with the advanced societies. Out of this arises the research problem, which can be stated in the following question:

What is the prospective role of education in facing the interior challenges of national security in Egypt?

Out of this question arise the following minor questions:

1-What is meant by educational strategy, its characteristics, elements and how to build it up?

2- What is meant by national security, its elements, levels and bases?

3- What are the most important interior challenges which face national security in Egypt?

4- How is Delphi technique – as one of the future studies techniques – used to identify and face those challenges?

5- What are the main features of the prospective educational strategy for facing the interior challenges of national security in Egypt?

Objectives of research:

The research aims at preparing a theoretical framework about the concept of national security (its bases, elements, levels), the most important interior challenges facing national security in Egypt, the concept of educational strategy (its characteristics, elements and how to build it up) and techniques of future studies (especially Delphi Technique). The research also aims at preparing an educational strategy for facing the interior challenges of national security in Egypt.

Method and tools of research:

The descriptive method is used in this research because it is most suitable for the nature and aims of the research. Also the Delphi questionnaire is used throughout three rounds to reach a consensus among a group of experts about the most important interior challenges facing national security in Egypt, and also about the suggested educational roles of education in facing these challenges.

Sample of research:

The sample includes a selected group of teaching staff members in the Faculties of Education, Economy and Political Sciences , Arts in addition to some members of the Parliaments , some members of Education and Security Committees in the Public Council in Damietta , experts from the Police and the National Security Authority and experts from the Ministry of Education . This sample has been chosen to apply the Delphi questionnaire.

Steps of research:

The research follows the following steps:

1-Assigning the research problem, importance, aims, method and tools.

2- Review of literature related to the thesis.

3-Analyzing the concepts of educational strategy and national security.

4-Showing the international variables and interior challenges threatening national security.
5- Analyzing the concept of future study focusing on Delphi Technique.

6- Applying the field study by Delphi Technique throughout three rounds.

7- Presenting a suggested educational strategy for facing the interior challenges of national security in Egypt.

 Results of research:

The research concludes that there is close relationship between national security and the education system, which is considered as one of the strong pillars of national security. Out of the theoretical and field study, the research designs a prospective educational strategy for facing the interior challenges of national security in Egypt. This strategy consists of the following elements:

                  q                        Philosophy of strategy,

                  q                        Aims of strategy,

                  q                        Main features of strategy,

                  q                        Principles of strategy,

                  q                         Bases of strategy,

                  q                        Elements of strategy.

This step includes the social, cultural, political and economic sides of the strategy. Each side consists of a group of recommendations and suggestions which education should undertake to face the challenges of national security.

Parties concerned with implementing and evaluating the strategy:

This step concentrates on the role of family, formal education institutions, religious institution, mass media and political parties in implementing the roles and recommendations of the strategy.


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